Journalist Andrea Vogt Continues to Fuel Hate Campaign Against Amanda Knox
Posted by Bruce Fischer
most recent headlines for Amanda Knox highlight a comment she made to
her mother during a conversation in prison. The headlines shout "I was
there" or "She was there." Some will say this is perfectly acceptable
because the source is credible. The headline was handed out by Italy's
Supreme Court. In an unfortunate move, the Italian Supreme Court took
Amanda's statement out of context and included it in the judge's report
on Rudy Guede.
Anyone that has followed this case knows that
Amanda's statement was not incriminating. When the words are put into
context, Amanda was telling her mother she was at her boyfriend's
apartment. Amanda was not talking about the crime scene. She spent the
night at Raffaele's. As reported by Candace Dempsey, this explanation
has already been accepted by a lower court and the statement was not
used against Amanda in her own trial. It did come up one time during her
testimony when Amanda's lawyer asked her to clarify the meaning. The
court obviously agreed that Amanda's explanation was truthful because it
was never mentioned again.
Why did the Supreme Court feel the
need to add this little tidbit of information in Guede's report? Why
would this information be released to the public in this fashion during
Amanda's ongoing appeal? Why did Andrea Vogt decide to ignore the facts
regarding "I was there" when she wrote about the judge's report? It was
her article that spawned several others and I am sure more will soon
Any journalist that would intentionally omit information
in an article of this nature has absolutely no integrity. The only
reason to omit vital details would be to smear Amanda Knox. Is that
Andrea's job?
Articles like Andrea's fuel the Amanda Knox hate
campaign that has gone on for far too long. Much of this hatred is
spewed online. You will see this in comment sections of articles
throughout the internet, in book reviews on, and in various
blogs and commentaries. This online behavior is not unique to this case.
People pop up on articles on all topics and post vile comments. That is
the reality of anonymity online. Those comments are usually one and
done, written simply for shock value. When you look closer at this case,
you will see a far more organized effort. You will see that a group has
actually come together with the sole purpose of destroying Amanda Knox.
They don’t come out and say this or course. They claim their mission is
to preserve the memory of Meredith Kercher. I would usually commend any
group for creating a website as a memorial to Meredith. If this group
is trying to preserve Meredith's memory, they sure have a strange way of
showing it.
The group I am referring to assembles on a
discussion board called Perugia Murder File (PMF). They also run a so
called informational site called True Justice (TJMK). Peggy Ganong, a
Seattle resident, is one of the moderators on the discussion board. It
just so happens that Peggy Ganong and Andrea Vogt are good friends.
Peter Quennell, a Guttenberg, New jersey resident,
runs the True Justice website. The two sites work hand in hand. True
Justice offers up amateur analysis of the case. A poster called "The
Machine" dissects the words of Amanda and Raffaele and creates lies from
truth. A poster called "Kermit" uses sarcasm in a series of powerpoints
to prove his case. You will not see Kermit’s powerpoint presentations
on any credible news program or printed in any respectable publication.
You will not see The Machine’s analysis featured anywhere else either.
The same is true for all of their contributors. Why? Because their
position isn’t supported by facts.
has one achievement that is honestly commendable. They translated the
Massei report into English. Even though the vital parts had already been
translated for those who were close to the case, it was still
beneficial for the public to be able to read every word. The one
opportunity TJMK/PMF had to show they were a credible group was
tarnished by their behavior that followed the release of the
translation. They spent weeks attacking the opposition. They spent more
time talking about those who disagreed than they did about their
accomplishment. I was grateful that the report was translated. When read
in its entirety, it becomes even more obvious that the court got it
wrong. The report is beneficial to the defense on appeal but this is a
topic for another article.
who support TJMK/PMF are often referred to as pro-guilt or guilters.
Many names have been given to those who support Amanda and Raffaele. The
most recent one would be FOAker, using the Friends of Amanda acronym. I
will refer to members of TJMK/PMF as guilters in this article just to
keep things simple.
hate campaign online has been nothing short of disturbing. I understand
those who feel that Amanda and Raffaele are guilty will voice their
opinion. Convictions have consequences, wrongful or otherwise. Amanda
and Raffaele were convicted in a court of law and people have the right
to voice their opinion. Even though Italy's system differs from the
United States with regard to guilt, I understand those in the United
States that consider their initial conviction as a sign of guilt. In
Italy you are not considered guilty until all of your appeals are
exhausted. It's a normal reaction for Americans to view it differently
due to our court process. This is yet another repercussion of the
wrongful convictions. I am a reasonable person and certainly don’t
expect everyone to agree with my position. The guilters actions have a
far more hate driven goal than to simply voice their opinion.
go to great lengths to attack Amanda Knox’s family members. Contests
are held on the discussion board to see who can come up with the most
sarcastic tagline for photos of Amanda’s family. Amanda's parents are
constantly attacked for supporting their daughter. A PMF member named
"Macport" made a photo collage of Amanda’s sister crying at different
stages of the trial simply to mock her. They don’t stop with the adults
in the family either. Both of Amanda’s youngest sisters have been
targeted on Peggy Ganong’s website. Photos of the two have been posted
on their discussion board and members of the group, such as Julia Perez
(Jools), a cyberstalking PMF member from Spain, have even made efforts
to view their facebook accounts. Two PMF members, Windfall and
Earthling, recently suggested that the girls were "acting" when they
showed emotion for their older sister. These are innocent children being
targeted by a group that claims to be running a site dedicated to
Meredith Kercher. I would like for this group to explain to me how
attacking Amanda’s family preserves the memory of Meredith.
The attacks on Amanda's family exhibit the
most disturbing behavior of this group but many others are on their radar. The
group does not hesitate to attack anyone who disagrees with them. Retired FBI
agent Steve Moore has been targeted for speaking on behalf of Amanda and
Raffaele. Even worse, his family has come under attack. Steve's daughter had
her facebook account cloned in an attempt to impersonate her online. Letters
were also sent to Steve’s former employer in an attempt to interfere with a
current legal matter. A PMF member named "SomeAlibi" stated that his
goal in life was “to bring down Steve Moore." On one occasion, when the
discussion on PMF entailed Steve Moore's past in infiltrating a white
supremacist group, Peggy Ganong in her absolute delirium actually insinuated
that he might be a white supremacist himself. This is the level of craziness on
Peggy Ganong's website that is constantly occurring. Peggy Ganong also bragged
about scoping out the Knox's home and counting their shrubs. Peggy Ganong needs
to explain how this behavior preserves the memory of Meredith Kercher.
Peter Quennell does nothing to hide his obsession
with Meredith Kercher on his True Justice website. He also has an obsession
with other attractive women that have been murdered. Photos of Natalee Holloway,
Elizabeth Mandala, Laci Peterson, and Sonia Marra are posted. When I first
visited the site, something just didn't feel right about it. After I read a few
posts, I realized it was outright creepy. He had this
to say about me when he felt the need to talk about my daughter:
"Hmmm. Someone now tells me that
Bruce Fisher who runs some FOA website claims to have a daughter. I have never
paid much interest in him, but one has to wonder why he is slobbering kinkily
over Amanda Knox while at the same time undermining those public institutions
that are the bedrock of the future of his daughter and, when she has them, her
own kids."
though many of the people that support Amanda Knox and Raffaele
Sollecito are women, Peter Quennell, and others in his group, like to
spread lies that the support comes primarily from middle aged men that
are attracted to Amanda. This line of thinking is disgusting, but not
surprising. These people are simply reflecting on their own obsessions
when they describe others.
go to great lengths to attempt to discredit the support that Amanda
receives. One of their favorite tactics is to exaggerate the scope of
the PR firm hired by Amanda's parents. It’s time to put the lies about
the “million dollar” PR campaign to rest. Amanda’s parents hired David
Marriott to organize interviews with the press. They have every right to
publicly defend their daughter. They did absolutely nothing wrong by
hiring a firm to help them with a situation that was very new to them.
regarding the PR firm has led some to believe that the support Amanda
receives is all orchestrated and paid for. This is not true. Large
groups of people have come together in support of Amanda and Raffaele.
No one is being paid for their efforts. I created the website Injustice
in Perugia. A grassroots organization has developed from this effort
that continues to grow every day. I have never had any association with
any PR firm with regard to this case. My voice is independent along with
many others including various experts that have come together to fight
the injustice committed against Amanda and Raffaele.
reasons I cannot explain (other than perhaps a deep-seated obsession),
guilters like to view facebook accounts of those who contribute to
Injustice in Perugia, often posting screenshots of the accounts on their
site. These are not the actions of a group that came together to
preserve the memory of a murder victim. These are the actions of
vindictive people that have built up a hatred for others they don’t even
know. It's time for TJMK/PMF to stop misrepresenting their position.
They need to stop stating that they started their site to pay tribute to
Meredith and come clean with the truth. If this case was investigated
properly, Rudy Guede would have been convicted as the lone attacker.
This case would not have received worldwide attention. Peter Quennell
and Peggy Ganong most likely would never have heard of Meredith Kercher
and they certainly would not have created a website in her honor. Common
sense tells you their group was created to spew hatred at Amanda and
Raffaele. Nothing more, nothing less.
keep this in mind when reading anything posted online that directly
attacks Amanda and Raffaele. Please consider the source.
am I giving these people attention? I have asked myself this question
many times. Several people that I respect greatly have told me that it
is best to ignore them. It's important for people to realize the hatred
they see being spewed at Amanda and Raffaele comes from a very small
group of people. The internet is a wonderful tool. It brings information
at lightning speed. The benefits highly outweigh the negatives, but the
internet also has the power to deceive. One person can be made to
appear as a group or a small group can be made to appear as a larger
group offering a general consensus. TJMK/PMF is a small group. Many that
initially signed up on their sites have moved on. I would imagine that
most people quickly see that the sites are misrepresenting themselves
and they move on. Those that remain have fully bought into the groups
true intentions.
Even though some within the very group
that I am a part of will disagree, I believe TJMK/PMF has caused damage
throughout the internet. They do this by spreading misinformation
anywhere and everywhere they can online. They do this using various
screen names but the most notorious has been “Harry Rag.” The person
posting as Harry Rag is one of the group's main contributors. On
TJMK/PMF he is known as "The Machine." This person posts misinformation
and outright lies every chance he gets. His actions are fully supported
by Peggy Ganong and Peter Quennell.
Harry’s lies can
be seen below in red. Harry spends a great deal of time cutting and
pasting lies and misinformation anywhere and everywhere he can. If you
ask me, those two terms are one in the same. In my opinion, if you
knowingly post misinformation or intentionally post statements out of
context to try and manipulate a different result then you are telling
lies. Hiding behind a fictitious name while posting lies and
misinformation for the purpose of harming others is the behavior of a
coward. The individual behind this campaign of hate is a coward.
The first set of quotes are all in regard to the hand written
letter that Amanda wrote November 6 2007.
Harry: "Amanda Knox's
voluntary confession that she was involved in Meredith's murder and the fact
that this confession contained significant elements of truth."
Harry: "Amanda Knox
voluntarily admitted that she involved in Meredith's murder in her handwritten
note to the police on 6 November 2007"
Harry: "Amanda
herself admitted she was present when Meredith was murdered in her handwritten
note to the police on 6 November."
Harry: "Amanda Knox
admitted on several occasions that she was at the cottage on the evening of 1
November and she voluntarily admitted that she was involved in Meredith's
murder in her handwritten note to the police on 6 November"
The letter was far from a confession. Keep in mind that this letter was
written on November 6th. Her Illegal interrogation at just ended
earlier that morning. She had minimal rest and then wrote the letter.
She was still suffering from exhaustion and was still mentally
traumatized from the interrogation. With that said, she in no way
confessed to anything. Harry conveniently leaves out the part of the
letter printed below,
Amanda's wrote: "If there are still parts
that don't make sense, please ask me. I'm doing the best I can, just
like you are. Please believe me at least in that, although I understand
if you don't. All I know is that I didn't kill Meredith, and so I have
nothing but lies to be afraid of."
That doesn't sound like a confession to me.
below are just a few of Harry's quotes regarding the footprints. He
repeatedly claims the footprints were made in blood. He also states the
prints can be attributed to Amanda. The stains detected with luminol can
be attributed to no one. These were undated stains that were most
likely made at a different time from someone walking around after taking
a shower. Many cleaning products such as those used to clean showers
will cause luminol to react. The stains mentioned by Harry all tested
negative for blood. Those tests don't seem to matter much to Harry.
Harry: "There were
two different size bloody footprints in the apartment, indicating that there
was more than one person involved in this crime. Not even the defense attorneys
are disputing that, even though they do claim that the bloody footprints are
not Amanda's or Raffaele's."
Harry: "The bloody
footprints at the crime scene also implicate Amanda Knox and Raffaele
Sollecito. Knox’s footprint was set in Meredith’s blood in the hallway outside
Meredith’s room."
Harry: "Amanda Knox's
footprints were set in Meredith's blood in the hallway"
Harry: "Amanda Knox’s
footprints were found set in Meredith’s blood in two places in the hallway of
the new wing of the cottage. One print was exiting her own room, and one print
was outside Meredith’s room, facing into the room. These bloody footprints were
only revealed under luminol"
Harry: "The five
instances of Amanda Knox’s DNA mixed with Meredith’s blood in three different
locations in the cottage in Via della Pergola: the bathroom, the hallway, and
Filomena’s bedroom, where the break-in was staged."
Harry: "Amanda's bare
footprints set in Meredith's blood"
Harry: "It should
also be noted that a mixture of Amanda Knox? DNA and Meredith?s blood was also
found in Filomena?s room"
Harry: "bloody bare
footprints which show up with luminol and fit Knox and Sollecito’s feet"
Meredith's DNA was not detected in a single one of the bare footprints
revealed with luminol. The prosecution's expert, forensic biologist
Patrizia Stefanoni, claimed these stains were never tested for blood,
however in July 2009, Stefanoni's notes confirmed the stains were tested
with tetramethylbenzidine which is extremely sensitive for blood. All
of the stains detected with luminol tested negative for blood. The
stains detected with luminol were not made in blood.
Harry: "The woman's
bloody shoeprint on the pillow under Meredith's body matched Amanda Knox's foot
size, but was incompatible with
Meredith's shoe size."
Every print, set in blood, in Meredith's room belongs to Rudy Guede.
There were eight shoe prints, set in Meredith's blood, found in
Meredith's room during the investigation. Six of the shoe prints were
agreed to belong to Rudy Guede. Two of the shoe prints found in
Meredith's room were disputed. The prosecution's expert believed that
two of the prints belonged to Amanda and Raffaele. Raffaele's forensics
expert Francesco Vinci showed in great detail, in court, that those two
prints actually belonged to Rudy Guede.
You can view Vinci's
full report here.
Harry repeatedly misrepresents the mixed DNA evidence found in Amanda's bathroom at the cottage.
Harry: "Amanda's DNA was found mixed with Meredith’s
blood on the ledge of the basin, mixed with Meredith’s blood on the bidet,
mixed with Meredith blood on a box of Q Tip cotton swabs
Meredith's blood was visible in several areas in the bathroom. I
believe that Rudy Guede used the bathroom to quickly clean himself up.
When he did this he left behind small amounts of Meredith's blood. Three
of these samples were mixed with Amanda's DNA. This is completely
understandable because the bathroom was used daily by Amanda. To put
this in perspective, think about your own bathroom. Swabbing your
bathroom sink in the bathroom that you use daily would unquestionably
yield your DNA. When Gioia Brocci, photographic agent of the Questura of
Perugia, collected the samples from the bathroom she swabbed large
surface areas to clean up the blood. When doing this she also wiped up
Amanda's DNA in the process. When collecting samples, Brocci actually
advanced the mixing process. She used the swabs like a cleaning rag. You
can view photographic and video evidence here.
has fine tuned his language regarding the bra clasp that was separated
from Meredith's bra. He now refers to the clasp as a small piece of
Meredith's underwear.
Harry: "An abundant amount of
Sollecito's DNA was found on a small piece of Meredith's underwear."
The DNA was not abundant. Raffaele's DNA was found on the clasp along
with the DNA of at least four other people. The DNA sample is actually
low copy number DNA (LCN). After viewing the video showing the
discovery of the bra clasp, I am amazed that it was even allowed to be
entered as evidence. The clasp was not discovered until 47 days had
passed. The clasp is seen in several different locations on the floor.
The investigators made a mess of the room in previous searches for
You can view
photographic and video evidence here.
continues to post refuted information and outright lies about the footprint
found on the bathmat in Amanda's bathroom.
Harry: "Two
independent imprint experts categorically excluded the possibility that the
bloody footprint on the blue bathmat could belong to Rudy Guede. Lorenzo
Rinaldi stated: “You can see clearly that this bloody footprint on the rug does
not belong to Mr. Guede, but you can see that it is compatible with Sollecito.”
Harry posts information that he knows has already
been discredited. The prosecution's expert measured the footprint incorrectly.
Inspection of the bathmat clearly
shows that the tip of the second toe blended with the top of the big
toe. The prosecution's expert, Dr. Rinaldi, measured the big toe
including the top of the second toe. This error caused the width of the
toe to measure 30mm. Dr. Rinaldi did not observe that the second toe had
blended in with the big toe on the bathmat. Raffaele’s big toe measured
30mm and is therefore incompatible with the measured foot on the bathmat. When
measured correctly, the print on the bathmat measured 24.8mm. It is
impossible that Raffaele’s foot made the print on the bathmat. You can view photographic
evidence here.
is just a small sampling of Harry's lies. Harry Rag is not an
independent voice. His campaign is fully supported by TJMK/PMF. Groups
like these are fueled by disingenuous news outlets that misrepresent the
facts, ignore the truth, and instead rely on sensationalized headlines
to achieve success.
There are no standards set for blogs and
opinion websites. As vile as the hate campaign run by TJMK/PMF is, there
isn't much that can be done about it. Journalists must be held at a
higher standard. We must not allow journalists like Andrea Vogt to write
whatever they like without consequence. We need integrity from those
who claim to be journalists. I encourage anyone that agrees with me to
contact Andrea Vogt and let her know how you feel.